CSE SYLLABUS III SEMESTER B.E./B.TECH. 1. 15MAT31-Engineering Mathematics-III 2. 15CS32- Analog And Digital Electronics 3. 15CS33- Data Structures And Applications 4. 15CS34- Computer Organization 5. 15CS35- Unix And Shell Programming 6. 15CS36- Discrete Mathematical Structures 7. 15CSL37 – Analog And Digital Electronics Lab 8. 15CSL38- Data Structures Laboratory IV SEMESTER B.E./B.TECH. 1. Engineering Mathematics-IV 2. Software Engineering 3. Design and analysis of Algorithms 4. Microprocessors and Microcontroller 5. Object Oriented Concepts 6. Data Communication 7. Design and analysis of Algorithm Laboratory 8. Microprocessors and Microcontroller Laboratory V SEMESTER B.E./B.TECH. 1. Management, Entrepreneurship and Cyber Law 2. Computer Networks 3. Database Management System 4. Automata Theory and Computability 5. Object Oriented Modelling and Design 6. Mobile Application Development 7. Computer Network Laboratory 8. DBMS Laboratory with Mini Project VI SEMESTER B.E./B.TECH. 1. Cryptography, Network Security and Cyber Law 2. Computer Graphics and Visualization 3. System Software and Compiler Design 4. Operating Systems 5. Data Mining and Data Warehousing 6. System Software and Operating System Laboratory 7. Computer Graphics Laboratory with Mini Project VII SEMESTER B.E./B.TECH. 1. Object-Oriented Modelling and Design 2. Embedded Computing Systems 3. Programming the Web 4. Advanced Computer Architectures 5. Elective Group B, Advanced DBMS 6. C# Programming and .Net 7. Networks Laboratory 8. Web Programming Laboratory VIII SEMESTER B.E./B.TECH. 1. Software Architectures 2. System Modelling and Simulation 3. Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing 4. Adhoc Networks Facebook Twitter Linkedin Instagram